Carnegie Mellon University
Integrated Innovation Institute

Engineering + Design + Business

Carnegie Mellon University Integrated Innovation Institute Logo


The Problem

How can Highmark Health combat the opioid crisis in Pennsylvania?

Deaths related to opiod abuse recently surpassed car crashes as the number five killer in the United States. Given Highmark Health's geographic footprint, resources, and innovative capabilities, it has one of the biggest opportunities in our region to help combat the crisis. But how?

The Solution

NORA - No One Recovers Alone

With health and research from the team at Highmark Health, iii students partnered with Highmark to create a platform that connects the dots between patients, providers, and supporting cast members that aide in recovery. No One Recovers Alone (NORA) puts the patient's recovery process in an integrated solution that leverages people.

NORA pairs each recovering addict with a Champion -- a social worker, engaged love one, or someone well versed themselves in the drug recovery process -- to provide emotional support and guidance along the path to recovery. Most importantly, NORA empowers patients to take control of their recovery journey.



NORA in action from all three user perspectives

NORA Concept Photo

NORA works from the middle to connect patient, provider, and champions

NORA Concept Photo

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